Ugandan singer known as Vinka angrily kicked a fan after he unlawfully touched her pr!vate part during a live performance at a concert in South Sudan.
Vinka was on stage busily entertaining the crowd when this man in the front row got closer to the stage and managed to insert his f!ngers in between the musician’s legs. can not tell if the man was drunk which made him to harass the Ugandan singer.
But it is wrong for him to touch Vinka that way regardless of what drove his action towards her.
Vinka obviously angry by the fan’s action kicked him continuously–like Kung-fu fighter– till security pulled her away. Video here:
Ghanaian singer Mzbel suffered similar fate when she staged a performance in 2005.
Mzbel was allegedly s#xually assaulted by some male students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).
According to reports, the KNUST boys tore her pants and dragged her from stage into the packed audience and fίngeɾed her continuously.
Popular Ghanaian slayqueen Ama Broni also sadly passed away after bąd boys rushed on her at a carnival in Kasoa and allegedly played with her pr!vate part. Watch video below.