Every single woman should marry a short man if they don’t want to experience broken heart.
According to a new study, which analysed why women considered the height of men before marriage found that, women generally fancy short men.
The findings of this study has left everyone scratching their heads. This is because previous research particularly one done by Kitae Sohn had concluded that women prefer tall men and they feel much happier living with taller husbands.
The latest study, which examined the views of 1,500 married African women however found that ‘tall men are more likely to quit a relationship …and the rate at which they divorce is also alarming.’
A copy of the research report available to Kasatintin.com said ‘Due to their height, they (tall men) easily fall in love…But if a short man falls in love, he does it with all his heart, body and soul’.
Relatively, most of the women who had married or were dating short men reported ‘feeling good every moment than those whose partners were tall’.
‘Every short man is humble’, the study said and advised that ‘Any woman who seeks to enter into a relationship should try and marry a short man because such men can love better and forgive easily’.
So, now you know, if you want to have a successful marriage, then you must tie the knot with a short man. Lanky tall men will bring you no joy.
SOURCE: Kasatintin.com