The police have arrested a Zimbabwean pastor after he sold ‘tickets to heaven’ to his congregation at $500 per person.
Reports claimed the man of God, identified as Pastor Tito Wats, and his wife asked believers to buy the tickets because it would give them a special access to the gates of heaven.
Your most gossipy news website, has learnt that those who bought the ticket were hoping to fly to heaven and spend a good time with the Almighty God this weekend.
Pastor Tito Wats could not $hut up his mouth whiles even in police custody.
He said Jesus appeared to him and gave him the controversial tickets made of pure gold and for that matter he thinks his arrest is baseless.
‘I do not care what people or the police are saying about me, I am being persecuted because of doing the work of God.
‘Jesus Christ appeared to me and gave me the tickets made of pure gold so that I can sell to people who want salvation’, he added.
Quite interesting, a section of his congregation wants the police to stop persecuting the man of God.
Thousands of people protested his arrest saying the Pastor should be freed as his continuous detention would block their chances to heaven.
Police Investigations
The Pastor insisted that the tickets were made of solid gold and each ticket reserved a place in heaven.
Police reports however indicated that the tickets were actually made of gold-coated wood with ‘Ticket to Heaven… Admit One’ written on them.
A copy of the supposed statement which Pastor Tito Wats gave to police and sighted by read:
‘I don’t care what the police say. The tickets are solid gold… it ain’t cut up two by fours I spray painted gold. And it was Jesus who give them to me behind the KFC and said to sell them so I could get me some money to go to outer space.
I met an alien named Stevie who said if I got the cash together he’d take me and my wife on his flying saucer to his planet that’s made entirely of crack cocaine. You can smoke all the crack cocaine there you want… totally free. So, try to send an innocent man to jail and see what happens.
You should arrest Jesus because he’s the one that gave me the golden tickets and said to sell them. I’m willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up’.
Here in Ghana, a prophet has shown evidence of the two dead people he has managed through the power to bring back to life. Watch the video below.