You could be exhibiting symptoms of the deadly coronavirus if you are constantly ar0used and can’t control your s* x drive any longer.
It is hard to bel!eve this, but according to one ‘scientific study’ feeling h0rny may be just one of the simple ways you can determine your COVID-19 status.
A satirical post which said ‘Scientists: Being h0rny is a symptom of COVID-19’ and sighted by has attracted funny comments on social media since Tuesday.
A lot of our readers and cherished viewers of Kasatintin TV have also shared their opinions on this lame ‘scientific research’.
Most of the people who sent their messages to confessed they tested ‘positive’ for coronavirus.
Below are some of their comments.
Akwasi Aboagye said ‘Dey are mad then we all ve covid 19’.
‘Then the world is in big tr0uble. Everybody has the disease ooo’, Sammy Badu said.
Ama Serwaa added ‘ We all go die oo. Since yesterday my body dey do me like somtin saa’.
Yaa Baby said ‘I hv d disease som coz me ho y3 me d3 papa’.
‘As I text u koraa I get a igo do ba my girl no dey my body’… John Peter.
Kwame Nyame said: I won’t survive the disease. I’m dead already’.
There is more in the video below. Watch now.
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