Dozens of leaked videos of Equitorial Guinea man Baltasar Ebang Engonga have been uploaded on popular p0rn websites. Engonga, a high-ranking civil servant have been sighted in multiple videos having ...
An estate security man has been killed by wild dogs in an unexpected attack. The dogs, foreign breed allegedly escaped from their cage in Pinnock Estate in Nigeria and attacked ...
Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Director-General of the National Financial Investigation Agency in Equatorial Guinea, has been arrested for allegedly having an affair with the sister of the country’s president ...
Whereas Ghana, Nigeria and other nations are battling with overcrowded prisons, the Netherlands is busy closing down most of its prisons due to shortage of inmates. Not long ago, the ...
Single ladies in Venezuela have hit the streets, protesting against ‘One Man, One Wife’ law. They reportedly the government to review the existing laws and allow a man to marry ...
Who says power no dey? A fetish priest has thrilled revelers by using a basket to fetch water from the middle of a big river in Ghana. The fetish priest ...
72-year-old Nigerian President Bola Tinubu lost his footing and fell while climbing the steps on a vehicle which was supposed to carry him round to inspect the country’s Democracy Day ...
A British-Zimbabwean cleric, Pastor Uebert Angel Mudzanire is trending after he asked people to register for his online course on how to perform miracles. Pastor Uebert, listed among ...
A 17-year-old boy whose body has been preserved at the CEBEC hospital in Douala, Cameroon for more than a week has come back to live. The teenager identified as Poupog ...
An angry Brazilian woman has cut off the manh00d of her husband after he allegedly slept with her 15-year-old niece. The woman (name withheld) lured her husband, 39, into ...