A Nigerian pastor based in Lagos State has announced the suspension of offertory collection in his church. The clergyman admitted that currently there is hardship everywhere in the country and ...
A woman in Iran identified as Roya Heshmati has been whipped 74 times by the police for ‘violating public morals’ after she was caught walking in the street without ...
A Uganda man has allegedly been arrested by the police after he attempted to write law exams for his girfriend. The unnamed man has also been fired from his ...
Greek police have arrested a priest who rubbed holy oil on the private part of an Estonian holidaymaker. The tourist, 30 had an encounter with the Orthodox priest, 49, ...
24-year-old woman from Somalia has been rushed to the hospital after a 2cm bullet accidentally hit her clitoris while relaxing in her living room. The stray bullet came through ...
No where cool. Some sex workers have been sighted in a video praying hard to God to bless their 'business'. The prostitutes, wearing provocative dresses held their hands as they ...
Wicked! A farm labourer at Kyekyewere near Nsawam in the Eastern Region, has filmed himself having s#xual interc0urse with scores of women in the community. According to a report by ...
A man got drowned in a river while showing his swimming skills to please ladies. Also, a fresher of University of Ghana has been found in the university swimming pool ...