Latest survey by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) reveals that most married women in Ghana are engaged in extra-marital affairs, and with multiple partners.
The GSS 2022 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey found that 80% of females between 15 and 24 years recently had sex without condoms.
According to the Report, urban married women prefer to use the ‘pullout’ or the withdrawal method of contraception more than rural married women despite 79% of them being aware that constant use of condoms can reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS.
Striking enough, females account for two-thirds of the total new HIV infections rate in Ghana, the Ghana AIDS Commission published in its 2022 National and Sub-National HIV/AIDS Report.
Out of the total 16,574 new HIV infections captured by the Ghana AIDS Commission’s 2022 Report, females accounted for nearly 10,927 of the cases while males accounted for 5,647. SOURCE: