Residents of Adansi Akrofuom near Obuasi in the Ashanti Region have found a mysterious antelope dead in the middle of the town Monday morning.
Fear has gripped the whole community as the chief priestess, Nana Abena Fosuaa has declared the dead antelope as a witch who shot fuel while on hunt at night.
She said the animal is evil and warned against its consumption.
The priestess directed the local authorities to burn the antelope to ashes in order to avoid any unforseen calamities.
Nana Abena Fosuaa revealed in a report filed by Adomonline and sighted by that;
‘This animal cannot be consumed because it is from the spirit world; whoever consumes it will attract dire consequences. The animal is a witch that went on hunt at night so nobody should think of consuming it. Pour some oil on it and burn it’.
On his part, Gyaasihene of Akrofuom, Nana Anim Agyekum II said the traditional leaders will abide by the directives of the priestess saying;
‘If something that lives in the bush comes to die in town it is a sacrilege and hence we believe what our fetish priest has said. This is a spiritual issue and it only takes someone with a spiritual eye to detect what it is’.
Before the intervention of the priestess, some youngsters had planned to use the carcass to prepare hot light soup and fufu.